Saturday, February 04, 2006


In the spring of 2001 Lisa R. Green decided that it was time stop working for other people and put thing she knew how to do best “express herself creatively” to work for her. From that burning need and desire to be creative and independent Bohemian Rhapsody was born.

Inspired by all around goodness, Bohemian Rhapsody carries an array of unique products for the body, wardrobe, and home. We also provide image-consulting services to the individual who needs a little pick me up; to television, film and print ads.

All of our products are made with you the consumer in mind. Our goal is to allow you to “Express U’r Self Creatively” while you “Experience the Wonderful World of a Bohemian’s Rhapsody”.

So, pamper the one you love this Valentine's Day with Bohemian Rhapsody's wonderful products. Satisfy their love of sugar with our "Got a Sweet Tooth" basket. They'll love you and their manicurist after using the products from our "Love that Mani-Pedi" basket, and soothe the tensions and ease the fears of a mom-to-be with our "Maternal Glow" basket.

Come and see our window display during the month of February at Distinctive Darlings by P.J. located at 501 Franklin Ave and purchase a basket between Feb 1st & 10th and receive 5% off your Bohemian Rhapsody Basket purchase.